Slowing down

Slowing down

I am so grateful for this weird Year of 2020/2021 to truly spend more time with my immediate family despite the changes. I have tried to harness the little moments better….and be more present with my kiddos and hubby. It has felt different and yet refreshing!...
Grateful for guideposts

Grateful for guideposts

I’m grateful for three amazing calls I had with women who recently participated in my Free Your Spirit Retreat.  Hearing the huge strides they made in their lives as a result of the processing we did through Aroma Freedom totally filled my emotional gas tank and...
Making success & freedom non-negotiable

Making success & freedom non-negotiable

Recently I’ve decided to really go for it. I went all in in my business even though it made no sense (pandemic/fear) and it’s paying off, big time. I made my success non-negotiable and the universe has responded ✨ My husband and I choose our values over “security” and...


This year, the practice of gratitude allow me to start (and support) my healing after my baby’s stillbirth. By focused on the good moment I had with him, I started a gentle grieving journey, find myself again, connect with others, and support others. Gratitude,...