Recently I’ve decided to really go for it. I went all in in my business even though it made no sense (pandemic/fear) and it’s paying off, big time. I made my success non-negotiable and the universe has responded ✨ My husband and I choose our values over “security” and are now living on the road in an RV. We sold out house and He quit his cushy 6-figure job that was robbing him of his joy and though it was scary as hell, it was the best decision we’ve made. Life literally feels like a fairytale right now. Traveling the country, connecting with nature and living a life of total freedom. I’m beyond grateful ♥️

Sharing here/filling out the Daily Gratitude Habit survey was fun! I do focus on what I’m grateful and love to share with others and my practice is fluid and in the moment vs. a specific journaling practice.

What are you grateful for today?

Take a couple minutes out of your day to create/reinforce the habit of gratitude. Even and especially if it's a hard day. Where can you notice something beautiful or meaningful? Who can you thank? What might be a lesson or blessing in disguise? Take a deep breath. Become present and choose gratitude. ♥