As manager of my daughter’s 2020-2021 Bantam boys hockey team, I had to get creative to spread holiday cheer this year. During such an unprecedented season full of cancellations and closures amidst the global pandemic, these 13 year old’s have been understandably grumpy.
Our coach has been amazing and trying to do what he can to keep spirits up and create some semblance of togetherness. And I just keep reminding all of our families (and myself) to please try to keep focusing on developing our flexibility, patience and gratitude muscles.
As part of this effort to focus on what IS good and finding gratitude for our health and each other, I asked each player to fill out a quick google survey I created for the holidays.
With the results, I created a PDF of positivity to share with each player and coach.
The parents said this gesture brought such big smiles to their kiddo’s faces, as they read all the nice things their teammates had to say.
I’m grateful for their participation. Even small acts of kindness + expressing gratitude can go a long way.
Happy holidays with love & gratitude.

What are you grateful for today?
Take a couple minutes out of your day to create/reinforce the habit of gratitude. Even and especially if it's a hard day. Where can you notice something beautiful or meaningful? Who can you thank? What might be a lesson or blessing in disguise? Take a deep breath. Become present and choose gratitude. ♥